His Excellency Dr. Weibert Arthus
Dr. Weibert Arthus is the ambassador of Haiti in Canada since October 2020. He obtained a PhD in History at the Sorbonne (University of Paris 1) in 2011. His area of expertise is diplomatic history and international relations of Haiti. A former journalist, he is a career diplomat, university professor and author of several books and academic articles.
Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in 1973, Ambassador Arthus began his career as a journalist at Radio Caraïbes FM (Haiti) in 1995. He then worked as a reporter for Radio France International (RFI) between 2002 and 2007. In 2011, he was appointed director at RadioTélévision Caraïbes.
Dr Arthus started working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2013. Between 2014 and 2016, he was posted in Buenos Aires as a Counsellor at the Haitian Embassy in Argentina. From 2016 to 2020, he was appointed Minister Counselor at the Haitian Embassy in Washington DC. He was chief of staff at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Haiti from March to October 2020.
Weibert Arthus is the author of several books on international relations. In 2021, he published “Haiti et le monde. Deux siècles de relations internationales ” [Haiti and the World. Two Centuries of International Relations], Bibliothèque Nationale d’Haiti (Port-au-Prince). In 2017, he published “Les Grandes dates de l’histoire diplomatique d’Haiti. De la période fondatrice à nos jours” [The Most Important Dates in the Diplomatic History of Haiti. From the Founding Period to the Present Day], L’Harmattan (Paris). In 2014, he published “Duvalier à l’ombre de la Guerre froide. Les dessous de la politique étrangère d’Haiti (1957-1963)” [Duvalier in the Shadow of the Cold War. The Underside of Haiti’s Foreign Policy (1957-1963], L’Imprimeur (Port-au-Prince). In 2012, he published “La machine diplomatique francaise en Haiti (1945-1958)” [The French Diplomatic Machine in Haiti (1945-1958)], L’Harmattan (Paris). In 2008, he co-published “Radiographie de la communaute protestante haitienne de France” [Study of the Haitian Protestant Community of France], Editions de l’Alliance (Paris).
Dr Arthus also published a dozen scientific articles in prestigious journals and encyclopaedias, including “ Haiti’s Historical Sources of International Relations,” in Encyclopédie des historiographies: Afriques, Amériques, Asie, Vol 1: Sources et genres historiques, Paris, Inalco Presses, 2019; “External Factors Favoring the Culmination of the Five Glorious,” in Revue de la Société Haïtienne d’Histoire, de Géographie et de Géologie, Nos 263 -266, Port-au-Prince, 2017; “The Challenge of Democratizing the Caribbean during the Cold War: Kennedy Facing the Duvalier Dilemma”, in Diplomatic History, Vol. 38, Oxford University Press, 2014; “From Confrontation to Reconciliation. François Duvalier and the Catholic Church”, in État, religions et politique en Haïti (XVIIe – XXIe S.), Histoire, Monde, Cultures religieuses, No 29, Paris, Karthala, 2014; “International Aid may be Ineffective: Evaluation of American-Haitian relations with Regards to the Alliance for Progress (1961-1963)”, in the Journal of Haitian Studies, Vol. 17, No 1, Santa Barbara, 2011; “Re-establishment of Franco-Haitian Cultural and Economic Relations after the Second World War”, in Bulletin de l’Institut Pierre Renouvin (Université Paris 1), No 28, Paris, 2008.
Dr Arthus earned several academic distinctions for his research, including the Moody Research Grant, The Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation (USA, 2014); the Barbancourt Fellowship (Haiti, 2013); the Arthur Schlesinger Fellowship, John F. Kennedy Library, (USA, 2012); the Student and Emerging Scholar’s Scholarship, Haitian Studies Association, (USA, 2010), the GWU-LSE-UCSH 2010 International Graduate Student Conference on the Cold War, (USA, 2010).