Tricia Steiner, BA

Tricia Steiner is a full time volunteer and advocate who enjoys serving many roles within her community in Richfield, Ohio. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of Oviatt House Inc., a National Park Service Underground Railroad Network to Freedom site located in the Richfield Heritage Preserve, and serves as the Chair of the Museum Development Committee. As a dedicated parent, Tricia is also involved within the school community serving as the high school Parent Teacher Student Association President and advocates for adolescent health and wellbeing as a member of both Start School Later and the Ohio Adolescent Health Partnership. Tricia works every Election Day as a Precinct Election Official and has participated in various reproductive rights campaigns and events throughout the years, including being a Volunteer Patient Escort for Planned Parenthood, and participating in Ohio’s recent efforts to enshrine reproductive rights into the state constitution.

As a former elected School Director for the Derry Township School District in Hershey, Pennsylvania, Tricia concentrated much of her time in the policy development of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging efforts at the local and statewide level. Areas of focus included trauma-informed care, social-emotional learning, restorative justice, mental health awareness and services, an accurate and inclusive curriculum, culturally responsive teaching, and Comprehensive Sexuality Education to name a few. As a Sectional Advisor for the Pennsylvania School Board Association, Tricia represented multiple counties and served on various statewide task forces and committees. In 2019, Tricia was awarded the Democratic Woman of the Year by the Pennsylvania Federation of Democratic Women for her policy work and advocacy.

Tricia holds a B.A. in Psychology and Women Studies from St. Mary’s College of Maryland with previous work experience in psychiatric research. She moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio about 2 years ago, where she now resides with her family.

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